Гражданско наблюдение на парламентарни избори 2016



16.02.2017 г.



Calls for political parties and coalitions, registered for the forthcoming parliamentary elections to support



We call for the up taking of a clear commitment in the fight against corruption in all its manifestations in our public life. The Bulgarian citizens put forward persistent demands for integrity, transparency and work in protection of the public interest. Political parties are obliged to respond adequately – not with general declaration, but with specific commitments in this area. We believe, that future Members of Parliament should uptake a clear commitment for proposing and implementing policies which guarantee transparent and effective work of institutions, counteract corruption with adequate legislative measures and shed light on the relationships between politics and business.

On 26 March 2017 parliament elections will take place in Bulgaria. They will provide an opportunity for political parties, competing for the trust of the Bulgarian voters, to present their vision for the future government of the country. The “election rollercoaster” in which our society has been functioning in the past years, demonstrates that the Bulgarian citizens are disappointed with the functioning of institutions. A considerable part of voters believe that their interests are not adequately represented, and political parties and state institutions are not adhering to their principal mission – to be in service of the society and the public interest. It is our firm belief that the main societal and political task for the parties, institutions, non-governmental organizations and the media is to put strong efforts into the conducting of fair, free and democratic elections and to present a programme of governance which can provide an adequate response to corruption in the country.

In this regard Transparency International-Bulgaria challenges the political parties, who are competing for voter trust, to support a package of “17 Anticorruption Commitments for Elections 2017. The programme is based on our long-term expertise and experience in this sphere and provides a specific vision to focus anticorruption efforts in Bulgaria.

We call for the political parties, registered in the Elections for the 44th National Assembly to support our “17 ANTICORRUPTION COMMITMENTS FOR ELECTIONS 2017”. Thus, we will all be able to transfer the anticorruption discussion for broad declarations into the field of specific political and civic action in the fight against corruption. The effort is worthwhile because it will put a STOP to:

  • “dirty money” and “black funds” in politics;
  • lobbying in the shadow and without rules;
  • the lack of uniform anticorruption policy, valid for all public institutions;
  • non-transparent appointments on key public offices;
  • the lack of designated ethics policy in the Parliament;
  • undervaluing the worth of whistleblowing and lack of effective protection to those who dare blow the whistle on corruption;
  • misuse of public funds who have turned “procurement” and “European funds” into a dirty word.

We expect political parties and coalitions to join the initiative by:

  • Adopting the proposed anticorruption measures in their pre-election programmes and
  • Taking specific measures in implementing them in the 44th National Assembly.

Transparency International-Bulgaria Commits to:

In response to the public expectations for stronger transparency and civic oversight, TI-Bulgaria uptakes the long-term commitment to:

  • Actively monitor the implementation of the commitments within the mandate of the 44th National Assembly and
  • Inform in due time the public and the media for implementation.


Sofia, 16 February 2017